Very excited that my debut novel 'Broken Wand' is now available!
Broken Wand is a story of families, friendships, treachery and bravery. Mike and Angelique meet by chance and form an unlikely friendship that others struggle to understand and strive to destroy. Angelique promises to help Mike with his dreams of a career in magic and they persevere with their plans despite the obstacles. But have they staked everything on an illusion of success?
Sample reviews:
"This was a great lockdown read that kept me guessing to the end about how it would end for the characters. The characters, and in fact the whole novel, had a real honesty to them that really drew me in. Highly recommended." 5* reader review.
"I really enjoyed this book. It's different and the characters are refreshing. I couldn't work out where it was going, was it going to be a romcom, a "rags to riches" journey, or something more sinister? It keeps you guessing, but in a good way!" 5* reader review.
"Highly recommend this book from new author. Refreshingly well written. The characters were deeply written with great sensitivity and DT engaged with how the marginalised feel while negotiating life’s pitfalls. Moving and absorbing." 5* reader review.
Read a free sample on AllAuthor.
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Click here to purchase either ebook or paperback. Happy Reading!
‘Working Mothers: The Essential Guide.’
Following the successful setup of my award winning website mother@work I was approached to write a handbook for working mums by Forward Press. The book was first published in July ’06 and has been revised and updated several times since.
The book covers a range of subjects from types of flexible working arrangements to what financial help you could be eligible for as well as dealing with guilt at work and home and the role of fathers, making time for you and working for yourself to name a few.
You can read more and order this title here:
Reviews include:
“Practical, easy to read and clearly broken down, this book does what it says on the tin.”
Pregnancy, Baby and You
“Working mums have to deal with everything from the guilt of leaving their kids to choosing the most effective child care. This no-nonsense guide looks at issues such as maternity rights, tax credits, starting your own business and important emotional issues faced by many. As a working mum, I found this guide a practical and useful read.”
The Sun
“This great little guide tells you everything you will need to know if you choose to return to work after having a baby. Probably the definitive Essential Guide to returning to work.”
“This handy sized, readable book contains lots of useful information, not just for parents, who I feel it is primarily aimed at, but for anyone involved in caring for children. It provides a useful reference to help answer parent’s questions. The book includes lists of websites and straight forward information given in an interesting style.”
Christine Greaves, National Childminding Association.
“It’s never easy being a working mum and trying to juggle getting the kids to and from school, arranging childcare, taking time off for sickness and school closures, and holding down a job…So you might want to take a look at the Revised 2008 edition of Working Mothers – The Essential Guide. It talks common sense and offers practical advice with tips and some ideas that might have been too obvious to think of.”
Mike Davies, Primary Times
“At the time of my first born there were not books about the subject that I knew of and the internet wasn’t a big thing either (Oh my that makes me sound ancient). When I started to read this book I realised how fabulous it would have been if I had had this book back then. I know hindsight is a wonderful thing but I think this book cracks a lot of the issues that as a new working mother you (and your partner if you have one) struggle with.”
“'Working Mothers – The Essential Guide’ covers a wide range of subjects in just enough depth that you get a good understanding of each, but not so much that you risk getting overwhelmed.
"This book isn’t just for new mums, though. It would be useful if you were returning to work after a career break, changing your job or just feeling frazzled by life as a working mum. It looks at balancing work with a family of any age, too. In fact I picked up some tips about delegating chores to kids that I’ll be trying out when my children are a bit older!”
“Whether you are employed or self employed, this is an excellent book. It is very easy to read and I found I could relate well to Denise’s informal writing style. She writes clearly and concisely without being patronising and you can tell much of what is written is from experience. I read the book cover to cover for my review, but you could easily use it as a reference book.
“I found the chapters on time management, working from home tips and positivity, particularly relevant to myself (I think positivity is so important) and there is also a whole chapter on the guilt we can sometimes feel as working Mums which is essential reading!”
“The book is laid out really well, it is really easy to read, sections are clear and the bullet point format makes it perfect to flick through when you want to go over the different sections. A tiny confession; I scribbled on pretty much every page as I read it, to make a note of something to look into or for the future!”
Recommended by Care for the Family:
Thirty Seven Stories
My short story entitled ‘I’m Watching You’ was accepted for publication as part of an anthology called Thirty Seven Stories by Biscuit Jar Publications.
“A fine range of story ideas, engagingly written.”
John Riches, Director of QueensPark Books